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HTML versions of IRIX Manuals Included in the v6.0 DT

With the help of David Clarke in Tech Pubs, we were able to get 16 brand new or re-rev'd IRIX Manuals, included in the release of IRIX 6.2, onto the v6.0 DT in HTML format. This is a "first" of significant import. With the inclusion of these 16 Manuals in HTML, ALL of their textual contents are now indexed and included in any search query conducted on board the DT.
The "downside" is that David was grappling with impossible odds to complete a fully robust and error-free conversion package in time for the DT train schedule. Thus there are some anomolies and discrepancies lurking within the HTML copy we have included. If you explore these documents to to any sufficient degree, you'll notice certain discrepancies such as illegible images or a link that doesn't jump to exactly the correct location.
For the v6.0 DT release, the temporal "solution" is, if you discover something unintelligible, or otherwise "illegible", the fallback is to go to the PostScript version of the given manual, where you will find the 100% accurate and correct representation to clarify whatever is not so in HTML.
We felt the ability to index the complete contents of all these manuals far out-weighed any shortcomings in the not-fully-matured translation process. With the PostScript versions as fall-back, we are extremely pleased to be able to offer this first-of-its-kind inclusion of Manuals ala HTML on the DT.

Manuals Access Points

via HTML:

via Insight:

via PostScript:

via High-Level Description With Links To Both Formats: